First World Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Semiotic Studies

28/08/2020 09:32

Dear colleagues.
Once again we wish you well and healthy. The Academic Committee of Early Career Researchers is pleased to invite you to the fifth conversation session of the IASS-AIS 2020 series.
The main topic of this talk will be: Media as seen through the semiotic lens: from Mcluhan to Smartification and it will be held on Tuesday, September 01st , 2020 at 10:00 (Colombia time TOC) / 14:00 (Europe time GMT+1), 17:00 (Europe time GMT+2) and 8:00 (LA Time GMT-7)
Registration is free and can be done at:
Facebook Live:

For this occasion, the conversation will be held in English. We invite you to review the instructions for accessing the Spanish language chat room (translation). The document is attached to this communication.

We are waiting for you.