Concentration Areas


Coordinator: Édis Mafra Lapolli
The area of Knowledge Management defines knowledge as a “process or product made effective in the relationship between people and non-human agents, aiming at value generation.” It studies the conceptual and methodological bases for the implementation of knowledge-based organizational management. Therefore, it aims at the transformation of individual knowledge into collective and organizational knowledge. Based on the autopoietic approach, contents and research carried out in this area focus on organizational knowledge, economy , and the knowledge worker. In this sense, the Knowledge Management area stimulates the understanding of key factors for the transformations which are taking place in contemporary society, for instance, the transition from the industrial era to the knowledge era.


Coordinator: Alexandre Leopoldo Gonçalves
The area of Knowledge Engineering defines knowledge as “tangible or intangible process and product made effective in the relationship between people and non-human agents, aiming at value generation.” Based on the cognitive approach, the objectives of the Knowledge Engineering area include researching and developing methods, techniques, and tools for building knowledge models and systems within intensive knowledge activities.


Coordinator: Richard Perassi Luiz de Sousa
The area of Knowledge Media considers knowledge as “the result of the meeting of human and non-human actants in the generation of value”. Based on the connectionist approach, this concept guides the area to work on knowledge sharing and dissemination, and on the development and evaluation of media which are aimed at catalyzing the ability of groups to think, communicate, disseminate, preserve, apprehend and create knowledge . It studies issues related to the philosophy of science; epistemology; sociology of communication; inclusion and innovation processes; cognition theories; production techniques and equipment of this kind of messages; and the theories which study them.