Prospective Students

PPGEGC Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs are offered to professionals who have completed their undergraduate or master’s degrees, respectively, and who can meet the selection criteria established in the annual call for applications.  PPGEGC students are expected to become researchers who are able to carry out scientific and technological innovations, university professors, or professionals qualified to create instruments for the codification, formal capture, incorporation and dissemination of knowledge in organizations and in society.

The programs offer research opportunities in personal development methods, combined with a set of theories aimed at improving the quality of the impacts of human activities. Scientific and practical experience is also recommended for prospective students, who should demonstrate creativity and ability to work in groups. Due to their interdisciplinary nature, each areas of concentration also establishes its own profile criteria, as follows.


The focus is to prepare researchers and professionals responsible for the codification of organizational knowledge. Students will deepen their knowledge in the processes of explicitation, emulation and  modeling of knowledge, encompassing the creation, acquisition, discovery, formalization, storage, distribution and use of knowledge. Therefore, applicants can either have a background in the areas of knowledge engineering from a technological perspective (engineering, computer science, information systems), or in the areas involved with the formulation and application of its methods and tools (mathematics, physics, administration, information on economics, science, library management, psychology, and linguistics).

Professionals from other areas may be accepted if their research plan includes the application of Knowledge Engineering in their field of specialty.


The area of Knowledge Management aims to train professionals and researchers responsible for the use of knowledge as a strategic production factor in the management of business connected to knowledge economy. This way, students will develop research related to the organizational and collective planning and alignment of knowledge composed by the sub-processes of knowledge construction in different dimensions of analysis: individual, group, organizational, inter-organizational or networked. Investigated topics include knowledge processes such as integration, evaluation, retention-disposal, creation-innovation, ownership, evolution, and governance.

Applicants must have an academic background that is aligned with their research proposal and with one of the lines of research offered by the Program. In this sense, the applicant is expected to have a background in the area of technology or management applicable to knowledge management (engineering, computer science, information systems, information science, business pedagogy, organizational psychology, administration, economics).

Professionals from other areas may be accepted if their research plan includes the application of Knowledge Management in their field of specialty.


The objective of this area of investigation is to train professionals and researchers responsible for the sharing, diffusion and dissemination of knowledge in organizations and in society, encompassing research that deals with communication, conservation, transfer, socialization and access to knowledge.

It is expected that applicants show an academic background aligned with their research proposals (including the areas of engineering, computer science, information systems, information science, communication and education technologies, media, journalism, and design).

Professionals from other areas may be accepted if their research plan includes the application of Knowledge Media in their field of specialty.