About us

The Graduate Program in Knowledge Engineering and Management (PPGEGC) is focused on preparing master’s- and doctoral-level professionals and on producing technical-scientific knowledge for the society.

Its object of research – knowledge – is studied, characterized and defined in an interdisciplinary way. Knowledge is understood as a content or process resulting from socio-technical interactions between human and technological agents. In this sense, it is also approached as a relevant strategic factor for the generation of value and social equity.

This definition confirms the multifaceted nature of knowledge because it understands knowledge as a value-generating factor that presents: multiple states (tacit, implicit or explicit), different loci (human or artifactual), dimensions (individual,  group, organizational, inter-organizational or networked) and properties (manageable, transmissible).

The academic structure of the Program is based on three areas of concentration: Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Management, and Knowledge Media, which are aligned respectively with three paradigmatic identities (cognitive, autopoietic and connectionist). The Knowledge Engineering area studies the modeling and development of knowledge systems. The Knowledge Management area approaches the strategic cycle of knowledge dynamics. Finally, the Knowledge Media area investigates the diffusion and communication of knowledge.

Thus, the Program articulates interdisciplinary connections within the three main training and research emphases: (1) explanation, emulation and modeling of knowledge, encompassing the creation, acquisition, discovery, formalization, coding, storage, distribution and use of knowledge (Engineering); (2) organizational and collective planning and alignment of knowledge,  including processes such as integration, evaluation, retention-disposal, creation-innovation, ownership and evolution of knowledge (Management); and (3) dissemination, communication and sharing of knowledge, also including preservation, dissemination, transfer, socialization and access to knowledge (Media).