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16th SGBED & XII ESPM International Conference in Management

18/02/2019 16:09

Critics believe that the pursuit of globalization had ignored national and local priorities, and caused wealth and income inequalities, and damaged the environment. Most developed economies assume that globalization and multilateralism largely benefit emerging economies and propose measures to correct imbalances in trade agreements, production and cross-border trade, and control mobility of factors of production; whereas, the developing economies feel being challenged by the reversal of globalization as a limitation to their ability to maintain growth and development. In view of the conflicts and uncertainties that prevail today, the 16th International Conference of the SGBED invites conceptual and empirical research papers, case studies and applications, and panel proposals on, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Looking Southwards: Multilateralism
  • Social Entrepreneurship & Local Development
  • International Marketing
  • Consumer & Brands
  • Culture & Consumption
  • Diversity, Inclusion & Causes in Consumption and Business
  • Global & Local Innovation
  • Innovation & Digital Transformation in Local/Global Business
  • Creative Economy
  • Innovation in Higher Education
  • Agribusiness & Food Management
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure
  • Investment Decision in Manufacturing & Macroeconomic Prices
  • FDI & Internationalization
  • Stakeholders, Local/Global Networks
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior for Social and Business Development
  • Business Ethics, CSR and Sustainable Development

More information <here>

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